What is YouTube API?
The YouTube API (Application Programming Interface) allows developers to access video statistics and YouTube channels data via two types of calls, REST and XML-RPC.
YouTube is not simply a website, it is a search engine. YouTube’s user-friendliness, combined with the soaring popularity of video content, has made it the second largest search engine behind Google. With more than 3 billion searches per month, YouTube’s search volume is larger than that of Bing, Yahoo, AOL and Ask.com
How do you get a YouTube API Key?
1. The first step is to log in or create an account on https://developers.google.com/
2. Log in to your account, follow this link https://console.developers.google.com/project and CREATE PROJECT by clicking on the button. Wait for a few seconds and Google will prepare your project.
3. Enter the name you want to assign to your project.
4. In Google API dashboard, click Library on the left menu. Look for the service YouTube -> YouTube Data API v3
Click YouTube Data API v3, then click the Enable button to enable the API service.
5. In Google API dashboard, click “Credentials” on the left menu, then click on “Create credentials”. select API key from the drop-down list.
6. Almost done. Google will create your new project, and you can now copy your API Key. Check the screen below.